Daria Ezgeta Balić

O djelatniku
Moje istraživanje se uglavnom fokusira na različite aspekte biologije i ekologije morskih školjkaša, uključujući starost i rast, reprodukciju, ishranu, kao i mogućnosti uvođenja novih vrsta školjkaša u akvakulturu. U novije doba proširila sam svoja istraživanja na trofičku ekologiju riba, kao te na ribarstvo. Trenutno sam voditeljica projekta financiranog od strane Hrvatske zaklade za znanost – “Potencijal i perspektiva restauracije europske plosnate kamenice u Jadranskom moru – POPOyster”.
Paralelno s mojim znanstvenim radom, dio svog radnog i slobodnog vremena posvećujem popularizaciji znanosti među djecom i mladima s ciljem podizanja oceanske pismenosti. Godine 2022. dobila sam godišnju nagradu za popularizaciju znanosti Instituta za oceanografiju i ribarstvo, kao i godišnju nagradu za popularizaciju i promidžbu znanosti Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja. Članica sam European Marine Board Communication Panela te upravljačke skupine Communication Panela, kao i EUROGOOS Ocean Literacy radne skupine.
Profesionalno iskustvo
Insights into Srdelara Purse Seines Landing Composition and Trophic Relationships in the Pelagic Food Web
Stable isotopic composition of tissues and shells in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in estuarine and aquaculture settings
Navigating through ocean literacy gaps an analysis of elementary school textbooks in Croatian education
Re Examining age and growth increments of the clam Venus verrucosa
Different life strategies of the three commercially exploited scallop species living under the same environmental conditions
Plankton diversity in Anthropocene Shipping vs aquaculture along the eastern Adriatic coast assessed through DNA metabarcoding
Diet Composition and Isotopic Analysis of Nine Important Fisheries Resources in the Eastern Adriatic Sea Mediterranean
Comparison of beam trawl catch by catch and discard in fishing and non fishing areas a case study from the northern Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Marine Science
Distribution patterns of two co existing oyster species in the northern Adriatic Sea The native European flat oyster Ostrea edulis and the non native Pacific oyster Magallana gigas
Reproductive cycle of the non native Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in the Adriatic Sea
Competitive feeding interactions between native Ostrea edulis and non native Crassostrea gigas with implications of introducing C gigas into commercial aquaculture in the eastern Adriatic Sea
Comparison of amnesic paralytic and lipophilic toxins profiles in cockle Acanthocardia tuberculata and smooth clam Callista chione from the central Adriatic Sea Croatia
Distribution of non native Pacific oyster Magallana gigas Thunberg along the eastern Adriatic coast
Feeding habits and helminth parasites of sardine S pilchardus and anchovy E encrasicolus in the Adriatic Sea
Potential food sources of Glycymeris nummaria Mollusca Bivalvia during the annual cycle indicated by fatty acid analysis
Growth and longevity of Lithophaga lithophaga what can we learn from shell structure and stable isotope composition
Lifehistory trait of the Mediterranean keystone species Patella rustica growth and microbial bioerosion
Glycymeris bimaculata Poli a new sclerochronological archive for the Mediterranean
Aquaculture assessment of Noahs ark Arca noae Linnaeus in the Central Adriatic Sea Croatia
Seasonal differences of stable isotope composition and lipid content in four bivalve species from the Adriatic Sea
Reproductive cycle of Glycymeris nummaria Linnaeus Mollusca Bivalvia from Mali Ston Bay Adriatic Sea Croatia
Reproductive cycle and gonad development of Venus verrucosa L Bivalvia Veneridae in Kaštela Bay Adriatic Sea Croatia
The potential for aquaculture of the bearded horse mussel Modiolus barbatus and Noahs Ark shell Arca noae in southern Croatia
Age and growth of Venus verrucosa Bivalvia Veneridae in the eastern Adriatic Sea
Diets of fan shells Pinna nobilis of different sizes fatty acid profiling of digestive gland and adductor muscle
Growth and longevity of Glycymeris nummaria Linnaeus from the eastern Adriatic Croatia
Age growth and population structure of Acanthocardia tuberculata Bivalvia Cardiidae in the eastern Adriatic Sea
Differences in phytoplankton accumulation between Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck and European flat oyster Ostrea edulis Linneaus after natural exposure to toxic Dinophysis bloom
Differential ingestion of zooplankton by four species of bivalves Mollusca in Mali Ston Bay Croatia
Seasonal fatty acid profile analysis to trace origin of food sources of four commercially important bivalves
Size structure of zooplankton ingested by four commercially important bivalves
Age Growth and Condition Index of Venerupis decussata Linnaeus in the Eastern Adriatic Sea
An energy budget for the subtidal bivalve Modiolus barbatus Mollusca at different temperatures
Sizedifferential feeding in Pinna nobilis L Mollusca Bivalvia exploitation of detritus phytoplankton and zooplankton
Bivalve feeding how and what they eat
Description of bivalve community structure in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea hydraulic dredge survey
Age growth and population structure of the smooth clam Callista chione in the eastern Adriatic Sea
2021 – 2023 – SEA-EU Pododbor za istraživanje, razvoj i inovacije – predstavnik IOR-a
2019 – danas – European Marine Board Communication Panel – član panela
2023 – danas – European Marine Board Communication Panel – član upravljačke skupine
2024 – danas – EuroGOOS Working Group on Ocean Literacy – član radne skupine
Ostale publikacije:
Ocean u našim rukama: Vodič kroz oceansku pismenost
Marine Science Communication in Europe: A way forward
Morska priča iz Rusulica vrtića