dr. sc. Slaven Jozić

O djelatniku
Laboratorij za mikrobiologiju, znanstveni suradnik.
• Pokazatelji mikrobiološke kakvoće voda za kupanje i voda za školjkaše
• Upravljanje kvalitetom voda za kupanje
• Sanitarni aspekt morske mikrobiologije
Profesionalno iskustvo
Unravelling the intricate language of fish guts Impact of plantbased vs plantinsectpoultrybased diets on intestinal pathways in European seabass
Temperature Effects on Growth Rates and Predation Loss of Bacterial Groups in Marine Ecosystems
A new vision of the Adriatic Dense Water future under extreme warming
Challenges in modelling and forecasting radiation fog with atypical dissipation during the night a case study at Zagreb Airport
New records of introduced species in the Mediterranean August
Distribution of sea urchin barrens in shallow algal communities along the eastern Adriatic coast
Influence of changing water mass circulation on detrital component and carbon burial of late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments in the easterncentral MidAdriatic deep
Mytilus galloprovincialis shell growthInsights from shell geochemistry
The effect of sampling frequency and spatial and temporal variation in the density of fecal indicator bacteria on the assessment of coastal bathing water quality
Sources of uncertainty in satellitederived chlorophylla concentrationAn Adriatic Sea case study
Marine plankton community and net primary production responding to islandtrapped waves in a stratified oligotrophic ecosystem
New records of hardbottom polychaete species in the central Adriatic Sea
Spatial and seasonal distribution of particulate phosphorus in coastal and offshore waters of the middle Adriatic Sea
Natural and shipping underwater sound distribution in the Northern Adriatic Sea basin and possible application on target areas
Ecology of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs on a finescale taxonomic resolution in Adriatic Sea unravelled by unsupervised neural network
Are winter conditions impacting annual organic production in the northern Adriatic Verifications and future projections
Additional Record of Pterois miles Scorpaenidae in Croatian Waters Eastern Adriatic Sea
Seascape Genetics and Distinct Intraspecific Diversification of the Decapod Nephrops norvegicus in the Adriatic Sea
Insights into Srdelara Purse Seines Landing Composition and Trophic Relationships in the Pelagic Food Web
Conditioning of the Mediterranean Scallop Pecten Jacobaeus Linneaus in Recirculation Systems with Different Types of Feed
Projecting expected growth period of bivalves in a coastal temperate sea
Age structure and growth patterns of the endangered freshwater mussel Unio crassus Philipsson under different environmental conditions
Phytoplankton Assemblage over a Year Period in the Adriatic Sea Patterns and Trends
Microbial communities as indicators of marine ecosystem health Insights from coastal sediments in the eastern Adriatic Sea
Assessment of the eutrophication status at Mediterranean subbasin scale within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Modern responsive web application with maps challenges and their solution example bathing waters
Stable isotopic composition of tissues and shells in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in estuarine and aquaculture settings
Navigating through ocean literacy gaps an analysis of elementary school textbooks in Croatian education
Biometric characteristics of the blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo Brunnich Osteichthyes Sparidae from the eastern Adriatic sea
Marine resistome of a temperate zone Distribution diversity and driving factors across the trophic gradient
Phylogenetic analysis of invasive genus Lophocladia Rhodomelaceae Rhodophyta reveals synonymy of L lallemandii with L trichoclados and first record of L kuetzingii in the NE Atlantic
Influence of seaice dynamics on coastal Antarctic benthos A case study on lantern clams Laternula elliptica in Adélie Land
Global warming scenarios for the Eastern Adriatic Sea indicate a higher risk of invasiveness of nonnative marine organisms relative to current climate conditions
Fecundity in vitro early larval development and karyotype of the zoonotic nematode Anisakis pegreffii
Identifying priority areas for spatial management of mixed fisheries using ensemble of multispecies distribution models
Influence of environmental variables on the abundance of Synapta maculata Holothuroidea Synaptidae in a multispecies seagrass meadow in the southern Red Sea of Saudi Arabia
Achieving coherence between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
Re Examining age and growth increments of the clam Venus verrucosa
Validated Inventories of NonIndigenous Species NIS for the Mediterranean Sea as Tools for Regional Policy and Patterns of NIS Spread
Unpublished Mediterranean and Black Sea records of marine alien cryptogenic and neonative species
New records of rarely reported species in the Mediterranean Sea July
The Distribution of Pseudodiaptomus marinus in European and Neighbouring WatersA Rolling Review
Influence of ecological traits on spatiotemporal dynamics of an elasmobranch community in a heavily exploited basin
Shared and distinct patterns of genetic structure in two sympatric large decapods
Phytoplankton diversity and codependency in a stratified oligotrophic ecosystem in the South Adriatic Sea
Developing a sclerochronology network in the Adriatic Sea Growth synchrony among populations of Callista chione
One new species of Aneumastus DG Mann et Stickle Bacillariophyceae from Krka River Croatia
Marine Pollutant Tributyltin Affects DNA Methylation and Fitness of Banded Murex Hexaplex trunculus Populations
Is the SmallScale Fishery more sustainable in terms of GHG emissions A case study analysis from the Central Mediterranean Sea
Multimodel analysis of the Adriatic densewater dynamics
A new insight into the taxonomy of Pseudonitzschia genus from the Adriatic Sea Description of P brasiliana P galaxiae P hasleana and P linea
Picoplankton diversity in an oligotrophic and high salinity environment in the central Adriatic Sea
Climate projections of meteotsunami hazards
Unusual findings of softmouth trout Salmo obtusirostris Actinopteri Salmonidae in the marine environment along the middle Eastern Adriatic coast as a consequence of extreme weather events
In vitro culture of the zoonotic nematode Anisakis pegreffii Nematoda Anisakidae
Destructive Potential of Planetary Meteotsunami Waves beyond the Hunga TongaHunga Ha apai Volcano Eruption
The BiOS mechanism history theory implications
Age growth and validation of otolith morphometrics as predictors of age in the blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveoBrunnich from the Eastern Adriatic Sea
Evaluation of DNA extraction methods and direct PCR in metabarcoding of mock and marine bacterial communities
First record of the alien tintinnid ciliate Rhizodomus tagatzi Strelkow and Wirketis in the Adriatic Sea
Analysis of the Influence of Seasonal Water Column Dynamics on the Relationship between Marine Viruses and Microbial Food Web Components Using an Artificial Neural Network
Back to Basics Revision of Coccolithophore Species List in the Adriatic Sea
Changes in Abundance and Distribution of the Sea Pen Funiculina quadrangularis in the Central Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Basin in Response to Variations in Trawling Intensity
Kilometerscale trends and variability of the Adriatic present climate
North Adriatic Dense Water lessons learned since the pioneering work of Mira ZoreArmanda years ago
How do open coastal fire episodes impact sea surface microlayer neuston communities
Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs of the Adriatic Sea
Morphological Characteristics and DNA Barcoding of the Rare Blanket Octopus Tremoctopus violaceus Cephalopoda Tremoctopodidae in the Adriatic Sea
First record of Parasquilla ferussaci Roux Stomatopoda Parasquillidae in the Adriatic Sea with notes on its morphology and molecular identification
Application of Positive Matrix Factorization for Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PAH in the Adriatic Sea and the Evaluation of PAHRelated Carcinogenic Risks
Documenting the spatial and temporal expansion of grouper species in the eastern Adriatic Sea Croatia through local ecological knowledge of recreational fishermen
Microbiome profiling and characterization of virulent and vancomycinresistant Enterococcus faecium from treated and untreated wastewater beach water and clinical sources
Slender snipe eel Nemichthys scolopaceus Richardson Pisces Nemichthydae a new member of the Adriatic Sea ichthyofauna
Mediterranean fanworm Sabella spallanzanii Gmelin as a potential biomonitor of trace metal pollution in the marine environment
Is the Illegal Trade of Glass Eels Anguilla anguilla Increasing the Spread of Disease A Case of EVEX
Culture of Seriola dumerili in a marine ecosystem Insights from genetic and morphometric fish traits and implications of escape events
New records of recently described Zebrus pallaoroi Actinopterygii Gobiiformes Gobiidae with notes on its morphology ecology and molecular identification
Fish larvae DNA barcoding indicated the potential appearance of rare species Buenia massutii Kovačić Ordines and Schliewen in the Adriatic Sea
Cataloguing environmental influences on the spatiotemporal variability of Adriatic anchovy early life stages in the eastern Adriatic Sea using an artificial neural network
New alien Mediterranean biodiversity records August
Status and trends in the rate of introduction of marine nonindigenous species in European seas
Vulnerability of the smallscale fishery to climate changes in the northerncentral Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Sea
Risk index of contaminant dispersion in the sea case study from HarmoNIA project
Bathing water quality at bathing sites in Kaštela Croatia in the period of application of the Bathing Water Directive EC
Nitrogen Isotope SclerochronologyInsights Into Coastal Environmental Conditions and Pinna nobilis Ecology
An Analysis of Adriatic IchthyofaunaEcology Zoogeography and Conservation Status
Longterm Monitoring of Carnivorous Gelatinous Macrozooplankton in the Area of DubrovnikNeretva County Croatia
Enhanced mercury reduction in the South Atlantic Ocean during carbon remineralization
Assessment of Fish Health Seasonal Variations in Blood Parameters of the Widely Spread Mediterranean Scorpaenid Species Scorpaena porcus
Effects of Interannual Environmental Changes on Juvenile Fish Settlement in Coastal Nurseries The Case of the Adriatic Sea
Impacts of Sea Bottom Temperature on CPUE of European Lobster Homarus gammarus Linnaeus Decapoda Nephropidae in the Eastern Adriatic Sea
The Ecological Observing System of the Adriatic Sea ECOAdS structure and perspectives within the main European biodiversity and environmental strategies
Meteotsunamis in OrographyFree Flat Bathymetry and Warming Climate Conditions
Highfrequency sealevel analysis Global distributions
Distribution and Differentiation Patterns of Sympatric Squids Alloteuthis media and Alloteuthis subulata Cephalopoda Loliginidae Using Morphological and Molecular Approaches
Variabilities of biochemical properties of the sea surface microlayer Insights to the atmospheric deposition impacts
Metagenomic analysis of pioneer biofilmforming marine bacteria with emphasis on Vibrio gigantis adhesion dynamics
Web Based SpatioTemporal Data Bidirectional Relationship Visualization A Case Study of Oceanographic Data
Coastal Sea Level Monitoring in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
Dželalija, Mia; Kvesić, Marija; Novak, Anita; Fredotović, Željana; Kalinić, Hrvoje; Šamanić, Ivica; Ordulj, Marin; Jozić, Slaven; Goić Barišić, Ivana; Tonkić, Marija; Maravić, Ana. Microbiome profiling and characterization of virulent and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium from treated and untreated wastewater, beach water and clinical sources. // Science of the total environment, 858 (2023), 1; 159720, 12 doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159720
Šolić, Mladen; Šantić, Danijela; Šestanović, Stefanija; Kušpilić, Grozdan; Matić, Frano; Vrdoljak Tomaš, Ana; Jozić, Slaven; Bojanić, Natalia; Ninčević Gladan, Živana. Changing Ecological Conditions in the Marine Environment Generate Different Microbial Food Web Structures in a Repeatable Manner. // Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 (2022), 1-16 doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.811155
Kraus, Romina; Baljak, Vanja; Vukić Lušić, Darija; Kranjčević, Lado; Cenov, Arijana; Glad, Marin; Kauzlarić, Vesna; Lušić, Dražen; Grbčić, Luka; Alvir, Marta et al. Impacts of Atmospheric and Anthropogenic Factors on Microbiological Pollution of the Recreational Coastal Beaches Neighboring Shipping Ports. // International journal of environmental research and public health, 19 (2022), 8552; 19148552, 25 doi:10.3390/ ijerph19148552
Živković, Igor; Gačnik, Jan; Jozić, Slaven; Kotnik, Jože; Šolić, Mladen; Horvat, Milena. A Simplified Approach to Modeling the Dispersion of Mercury from Precipitation to Surface Waters—The Bay of Kaštela Case Study. // Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 (2022), 4; 539, 12 doi:10.3390/jmse10040539
Ordulj, Marin; Jozić, Slaven; Baranović, Mateja; Krželj, Maja. The Effect of Precipitation on the Microbiological Quality of Bathing Water in Areas under Anthropogenic Impact. // Water, 14 (2022), 4; 527, 12 doi:10.3390/w14040527
Galić, Dominik; Cenov, Arijana; Lušić, Dražen; Glad, Marin; Jozić, Slaven; Cvetković, Bruno; Maestro, Daniel; Maestro, Nerma; Mance, Diana; Vukić Lušić, Darija. Quality of Croatian Inland Bathing Areas: Reference to The Region and EU. // Journal of Health Sciences, 11 (2021), 1; 37-46 doi:10.17532/jhsci.2021.1110
Džal, Daniela; Nižetić Kosović, Ivana; Mastelić, Toni; Ivanković, Damir; Puljak, Tatjana; Jozić, Slaven. Modelling Bathing Water Quality Using Official Monitoring Data. // Water, 13 (2021), 21; 3005, 21 doi:10.3390/w13213005
Jozić, Slaven; Baljak, Vanja; Cenov, Arijana; Lušić, Dražen; Galić, Dominik; Glad, Marin; Maestro, Daniel; Maestro, Nerma; Kapetanović, Damir; Kraus, Romina et al. Inland and coastal bathing water quality in the last decade (2011–2020): Croatia vs. region vs. EU. // Water, 13 (2021), 17; 2440, 15 doi:10.3390/w13172440
Vukić Lušić, Darija; Cenov, Arijana; Lušić, Dražen; Glad, Marin; Jozić, Slaven; Alvir, Marta; Kranjčević, Lado. Kakvoća mora za kupanje u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji i na riječkom području u posljednjem desetljeću. // Hrvatske Vode, 29 (2021), 116; 103-112. (https://www.bib.irb.hr/1139866)
Topić, Nancy; Cenov, Arijana; Jozić, Slaven; Glad, Marin; Mance, Diana; Lušić, Dražen; Kapetanović, Damir; Mance, Davor; Vukić Lušić, Darija. Staphylococcus aureus—An Additional Parameter of Bathing Water Quality for Crowded Urban Beaches. // International journal of environmental research and public health, 18 (2021), 10; 5234, 13 doi:10.3390/ijerph18105234
Šolić, Mladen; Šantić, Danijela; Šestanović, Stefanija; Bojanić, Natalia; Jozić, Slaven; Ordulj, Marin; Vrdoljak Tomaš, Ana; Kušpilić, Grozdan. Changes in the trophic pathways within the microbial food web in the global warming scenario: an experimental study in the Adriatic Sea. // Microorganisms, 8 (2020), 4; 510, 22 doi:10.3390/microorganisms8040510
Šolić, Mladen; Šantić, Danijela; Šestanović, Stefanija; Bojanić, Natalia; Grbec, Branka; Jozić, Slaven; Vrdoljak, Ana; Ordulj, Marin; Matić, Frano; Kušpilić, Grozdan; Ninčević Gladan, Živana. Impact of water column stability dynamics on the succession of planktonfood web types in the offshore area of the Adriatic Sea. // Journal of sea research, 158 (2020), 101860, 11 doi:10.1016/j.seares.2020.101860
Ezgeta-Balić, Daria; Radonić, Ivana; Bojanić Varezić, Dubravka; Zorica, Barbara; Arapov, Jasna; Stagličić, Nika; Jozić, Slaven; Peharda, Melita; Briski, Elizabeta; Lin, Yaping; Šegvić- Bubić, Tanja. Reproductive cycle of a non-native oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in the Adriatic Sea. // MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE, 21 (2020), 1; 146-156 doi:10.12681/mms.21304
Živković, Igor; Fajon, Vesna; Kotnik, Jože; Shlyapnikov, Yaroslav; Obu Vazner, Kristina; Begu, Ermira; Šestanović, Stefanija; Šantić, Danijela; Vrdoljak, Ana; Jozić, Slaven et al. Relations between mercury fractions and microbial community components in seawater under the presence and absence of probable phosphorus limitation conditions. // Journal of environmental sciences-china, 75 (2019), 145-162 doi:10.1016/j.jes.2018.03.012
Luna, Gian Marco; Manini, Elena; Turk, Valentina; Tinta, Tinkara; D’Errico, Giuseppe; Baldrighi, Elisa; Baljak, Vanja; Buda, Donatella; Cabrini, Marina; Campanelli, Alessandra et al. Status of faecal pollution in ports: A basin-wide investigation in the Adriatic Sea. // Marine pollution bulletin, 147 (2019), 219-228 doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.03.050
Peharda, Melita; Sironić, Andreja; Markulin, Krešimir; Jozić, Slaven; Borković, Damir; Andersson, Carin. The bivalve Glycymeris pilosa as an archive of 14C in the Mediterranean Sea. // Radiocarbon, 61 (2019), 2; 599-613 doi:10.1017/RDC.2018.146
Mladen Šolić, Danijela Šantić, Stefanija Šestanović, Natalia Bojanić, Slaven Jozić, Ana Vrdoljak, Marin Ordulj, Grozdan Kušpilić. Temperature and phosphorus interacts in controlling the picoplankton carbon flux in the Adriatic Sea: an experimental vs. field study. // Environmental microbiology, 27 (2019), 17; 2469-2484 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14634
Vrdoljak Tomaš, Ana; Šantić, Danijela; Šolić, Mladen; Ordulj, Marin; Jozić, Slaven; Šestanović, Stefanija; Matić, Frano; Kušpilić, Grozdan; Gladan, Živana Ninčević. Dynamics of Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophs along the trophic gradient in the central Adriatic Sea. // Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 164 (2019), 112-121 doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.06.001
Jozić, Slaven; Vukić Lušić, Darija; Aljinović, Ante; Vlakančić, Wendy; Cenov, Arijana; Vrdoljak Tomaš, Ana; Rakić, Anita; Šolić, Mladen. Is TBX agar a suitable medium for monitoring Escherichia coli in bathing water using the membrane filtration method?. // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191 (2019), 9; 558, 12 doi:10.1007/s10661-019-7733-4
Šolić, Mladen; Grbec, Branka; Matić, Frano; Šantić, Danijela; Šestanović, Stefanija; Ninčević Gladan, Živana; Bojanić, Natalia; Ordulj, Marin; Jozić, Slaven; Vrdoljak, Ana. Spatio-temporal reproducibility of the microbial food web structure associated with the change in temperature: Long-term observations in the Adriatic Sea. // Progress in oceanography, 161 (2018), 87-101 doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2018.02.003
Jozić, Slaven; Vukić Lušić, Darija; Ordulj, Marin; Frlan, Erina; Cenov, Arijana; Diković, Sonja; Kauzlarić, Vesna; Fiorido Đurković, Lara; Stilinović Totić, Jasmina; Ivšinović, Danijela et al. Performance characteristics of the temperature-modified ISO 9308-1 method for the enumeration of Escherichia coli in marine and inland bathing waters. // Marine pollution bulletin, 135 (2018), 150-158 doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.07.002
Šolić, Mladen; Šantić, Danijela; Šestanović, Stefanija; Bojanić, Natalia; Ordulj, Marin; Jozić, Slaven; Vrdoljak, Ana. The effect of temperature increase on microbial carbon fluxes in the Adriatic Sea: an experimental approach. // FEMS microbiology, ecology, 94 (2018), 10; 1-14 doi:10.1093/femsec/fiy169
Vukić Lušić, Darija; Kranjčević, Lado; Maćešić, Senka; Lušić, Dražen; Jozić, Slaven; Linšak, Željko; Bilajac, Lovorka; Grbčić, Luka; Bilajac, Neiro. Temporal variations analyses and predictive modeling of microbiological seawater quality. // Water research, 119 (2017), 160-170 doi:10.1016/j.watres.2017.04.046
Jozić, Slaven; Milanković, Katarina; Brajčić, Tea; Šolić, Mladen; Šantić, Danijela; Ordulj, Marin. The effect of intravalvular liquid loss on changes in Escherichia coli levels in live, refrigerated mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis). // Journal of aquatic food product technology, 26 (2017), 4; 491-500 doi:10.1080/10498850.2016.1214655
Šolić, Mladen; Krstulović, Nada; Šantić, Danijela; Šestanović, Stefanija; Kušpilić, Grozdan; Bojanić, Natalia; Ordulj, Marin; Jozić, Slaven; Vrdoljak, Ana. Impact of the 3 degrees C temperature rise on bacterial growth and carbon transfer towards higher trophic levels: Empirical models for the Adriatic Sea. // Journal of marine systems, 173 (2017), 81-89 doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.01.
Ordulj, Marin; Krstulović, Nada; Šantić, Danijela; Jozić, Slaven; Šolić, Mladen. Viral dynamics in two trophically different areas in the Central Adriatic Sea. // Helgoland marine research, 72 (2017), 22, 11 doi:10.1186/s10152-017-0502-2
Skejić, Sanda; Car, Ana; Marasović, Ivona; Jozić, Slaven; Bužančić, Mia; Arapov, Jasna; Ninčević Gladan, Živana; Bakrač, Ana; Kušpilić, Grozdan; Vidjak, Olja; Larsen, Jacob. Morphology and ecology of the poorly known dinoflagellate Prorocentrum arcuatum (Dinophyceae) from the Medulin Bay (eastern Adriatic Sea). // Acta Adriatica, 58 (2017), 1; 41-51
Vukić Lušić, Darija; Jozić, Slaven; Cenov, Arijana; Glad, Marin; Bulić, Marko; Lušić, Dražen. Escherichia coli in marine water: comparison of methods for the assessment of recreational bathing water samples. // Marine pollution bulletin, 113 (2016), 1-2; 438-443 doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.10.044
Mladineo, Ivona; Bušelić, Ivana; Hrabar, Jerko; Radonić, Ivana; Vrbatović, Anamarija; Jozić, Slaven; Trumbić, Željka. Autochthonous bacterial isolates successfully stimulate in vitro peripheral blood leukocytes of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). // Frontiers in Microbiology, 7 (2016), 1244-11 doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.01244
Šegvić-Bubić, Tanja; Grubišić, Leon; Zrnčić, Snježana; Jozić, Slaven; Žužul, Iva; Talijančić, Igor; Oraić, Dražen; Relić, Marko; Katavić, Ivan. Range expansion of the non-native oyster Crassostrea gigas in the Adriatic Sea. // Acta Adriatica, 57 (2016), 2; 321-330.
Ordulj, Marin; Krstulović, Nada; Šantić, Danijela; Jozić, Slaven; Šolić, Mladen. Distribution of marine viruses in the Central and South Adriatic Sea. // Mediterranean Marine Science, 16 (2015), 1; 65-72 doi:10.12681/mms.911
Skejić, Sanda; Vilibić, Ivica; Matijević, Slavica; Jozić, Slaven; Ninčević Gladan, Živana; Morović, Mira; Marasović, Ivona; Prelesnik, Heliodor. Long-term regulating mechanisms of phytoplankton biomass in a traditional shellfish aquaculture area. // Fresenius environmental bulletin, 24 (2015), 9; 3001-3013.
Jozić, Slaven; Morović, Mira; Šolić, Mladen; Krstulović, Nada; Ordulj, Marin. Effect of solar radiation, temperature and salinity on the survival of two different strains of Escherichia coli. // Fresenius environmental bulletin, 23 (2014), 8; 1852-1859.
Jozić, Slaven; Šolić, Mladen; Krstulović, Nada. The accumulation of the indicator bacteria Escherichia coli in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and oysters (Ostrea edulis) under experimental conditions. // Acta Adriatica, 53 (2012), 3; 353-361.
Šolić, Mladen; Jozić, Slaven; Krstulović, Nada. Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on the rate of concentration of Escherichia coli in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and oysters (Ostrea edulis). // Fresenius environmental bulletin, 19 (2010), 8a; 1634-1639.
Mladineo, Ivona; Trumbić, Željka; Jozić, Slaven; Šegvić, Tanja. First report of Cryptosporidium sp. (Coccidia, Apicomplexa) oocysts in the black mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) reared in the Mali Ston Bay, Adriatic Sea. // Journal of shellfish research, 28 (2009), 3; 541-546 doi:10.2983/035.028.0316
Šolić, Mladen; Krstulović, Nada; Jozić, Slaven; Curać, Darija. The rate of concentration of faecal coliforms in shellfish under different environmental conditions. // Environment international, 25 (1999), 8; 991-1000 doi:10.1016/S0160-4120(99)00067-7
Jozić, Slaven; Šolić, Mladen. Effect of Environmental Conditions on Escherichia coli Survival in Seawater. // Escherichia coli – Recent Advances on Physiology, Pathogenesis and Biotechnological Applications / Amidou, Samie (ur.). Rijeka: In Tech, 2017. str. 169-186.
Šolić, Mladen; Krstulović, Nada; Šestanović, Stefanija; Šantić, Danijela; Bojanić, Natalia; Ordulj, Marin; Jozić, Slaven (2016). Microbial Community Ecology of the Adriatic Sea. Saarbrucken, Germany : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016 (monografija).
MBZ: 344004
• Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, „Ususret novoj direktivi Europske unije o upravljanju kvalitetom vode za kupanje“ (EUROBATH), (IP-2020-02-1880), (Siječanj 2021. – Prosinac 2024.) voditelj
• Hrvatska zaklada za znanost „Sezonska i prostorna raspodjela gena rezistencije na antibiotike u morskim mikrobnim zajednicama duž trofičkog gradijenta u srednjem Jadranu“ (ARGAS), (UIP-2019-04-9778, Siječanj 2020. – Prosinac 2024.), suradnik
Nacionalni predstavnik u European Microbiology Exper sub-Group (EMEG) za Direktivu o upravljanju kvalitetom vode za kupanje