dr. sc. Stefanija Šestanović

O djelatniku
Laboratorij za mikrobiologiju, Znanstvena savjetnica
Znanstvena problematika kojom se bavim je područje morske mikrobne ekologije. Moje istraživanje usmjereno je na proučavanje ekologije prokariotskog i eukariotskog planktona (strukture i funkcije zajednice) u različitim prirodnim i eksperimentalnim uvjetima, te na različitim prostornim i vremenskim skalama. U posljednje vrijeme bavim se problematikom utjecaja globalnog klimatskog zatopljenja na mikrobnu hranidbenu mrežu.
Profesionalno iskustvo
Temperature Effects on Growth Rates and Predation Loss of Bacterial Groups in Marine Ecosystems
Picoplankton diversity in an oligotrophic and high salinity environment in the central Adriatic Sea
Analysis of the Influence of Seasonal Water Column Dynamics on the Relationship between Marine Viruses and Microbial Food Web Components Using an Artificial Neural Network
How do open coastal fire episodes impact sea surface microlayer neuston communities
Fish larvae DNA barcoding indicated the potential appearance of rare species Buenia massutii Kovačić Ordines and Schliewen in the Adriatic Sea
Metagenomic analysis of pioneer biofilmforming marine bacteria with emphasis on Vibrio gigantis adhesion dynamics
Changing Ecological Conditions in the Marine Environment Generate Different Microbial Food Web Structures in a Repeatable Manner
Artificial neural network analysis of microbial diversity in the central and southern Adriatic Sea
Lineage specific growth curves document large differences in response of individual groups of marine bacteria to the top down and bottom up controls
Impact of water column stability dynamics on the succession of plankton food web types in the offshore area of the Adriatic Sea
Changes in the Trophic Pathways within the Microbial Food Web in the Global Warming Scenario An Experimental Study in the Adriatic Sea
Temperature and phosphorus interacts in controlling the picoplankton carbon flux in the Adriatic Sea an experimental versus field study
Picoplankton Distribution and Activity in the Deep Waters of the Southern Adriatic Sea
Dynamics of Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophs along the trophic gradient in the central Adriatic Sea
Relations between mercury fractions and microbial community components in seawater under the presence and absence of probable phosphorus limitation conditions
The effect of temperature increase on microbial carbon fluxes in the Adriatic Sea an experimental approach
Spatiotemporal reproducibility of the microbial food web structure associated with the change in temperature Longterm observations in the Adriatic Sea
Impact of the degrees C temperature rise on bacterial growth and carbon transfer towards higher trophic levels Empirical models for the Adriatic Sea
Distribution of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the Eastern Adriatic Sea
Effects of fish farming on microbial planktonic communities in the middle Adriatic sea
Structure of microbial communities in phosphoruslimited estuaries along the eastern Adriatic coast
Analysis of the phytoplankton community in the vicinity of domestic sewage outflow during stratified conditions
Dynamics of the picoplankton community from coastal waters to the open sea in the Central Adriatic
Microbial community structure in two anchialine caves on Mljet Island Adriatic Sea
Community structure and seasonal dynamics of tintinnid ciliates in Kaštela Bay middle Adriatic Sea
Effects of cage fish farming on phytoplankton community structure biomass and primary production in an aquaculture area in the middle Adriatic Sea
Monitoring of environmental impact of the submarine outfall Stobreč
The influence of organic matter and phytoplankton pigments on the distribution of bacteria in sediments of Kaštela Bay Adriatic Sea
Variability in the bottomup and topdown controls of bacteria on trophic and temporal scales in the middle Adriatic Sea
The role of water mass dynamics in controlling bacterial abundance and production in the middle Adriatic Sea
Age growth and population structure of Modiolus barbatus from the Adriatic
The role of ciliates within microbial food web in the eutrophicated part of Kaštela Bay middle Adriatic Sea
Abundance and composition of picoplankton in the mid Adriatic Sea
Temporal variability in abundance and biomass of ciliates and copepods in the eutrophicated part of Kaštela Bay Middle Adriatic Sea
Volume abundance and biomass of sediment bacteria in the eastern mid Adriatic Sea
Simultaneous effect of different variables on bacterial and HNF abundances in Kaštela Bay Adriatic Sea
Seasonal and vertical distribution of planktonic bacteria and heterotrophic nanoflagellates in the middle Adriatic Sea
Bacterial biomass in sediments of coastal Adriatic Sea
The roles of predation substrate suply and temperature in controlling bacterial abundance interaction between spatial and seasonal scale
Autorske knjige
1. Šolić, Mladen; Krstulović, Nada; Šestanović, Stefanija; Šantić, Danijela; Bojanić, Natalia; Ordulj, Marin; Jozić, Slaven. Microbial Community Ecology of the Adriatic Sea., Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016 (monografija)
Poglavlja u knjigama
1. Šantić, Danijela; Kovačević, Vedrana; Bensi, Manuel; Giani, Michele; Vrdoljak Tomaš, Ana; Šestanović, Stefanija; Ordulj, Marin; Santinelli, Chiara; Šolić, Mladen; Grbec, Branka. Picoplankton distribution and activity in the deep waters of the southern Adriatic Sea. Ocean Exchange and Circulation. Gačić, Miroslav; Bensi, Manuel (ur.). Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2020. str. 153-173
2. Šolić, Mladen; Krstulović, Nada; Šantić, Danijela; Šestanović, Stefanija. Kaštela Bay and Stončica. ICES Phytoplankton amd Microbial Plankton Status Report 2009-2010. O’Brien, T.D. ; Li, W.K.W. ; Moran, X.A.G. (ur.). Copenhagen: Intarnational Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 2012. str. 150-152