dr. sc. Olja Vidjak

O djelatniku
Znanstvena savjetnica
⦁ bioraznolikost zooplanktonske zajednice Jadrana
⦁ pojave i utjecaji nezavičajnih zooplanktonskih vrsta
⦁ kompleksnost trofičkih odnosa unutar planktonske zajednice
⦁ taksonomija kopepodnih rakova
⦁ zaštita Jadranskog mora kroz proces primjene Okvirne direktive o morskoj strategiji (ODMS, 2008/56/EC)
Profesionalno iskustvo
Achieving coherence between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive
The Distribution of Pseudodiaptomus marinus in European and Neighbouring WatersA Rolling Review
Copepod community from Arctic to Antarctic large scale patterns of naupliar and postnaupliar distribution and abundance in the epipelagic layer revealed by citizen science
Plankton diversity in Anthropocene Shipping vs aquaculture along the eastern Adriatic coast assessed through DNA metabarcoding
Diet Composition and Isotopic Analysis of Nine Important Fisheries Resources in the Eastern Adriatic Sea Mediterranean
Host Parasite Interaction between Parasitic Cymothoid Ceratothoa oestroides and Its Host Farmed European Sea Bass Dicentrarchus labrax
Small copepods of the deep South Adriatic Pit diversity seasonal and multi annual dynamics and implications from the regional hydrography
Competitive feeding interactions between native Ostrea edulis and non native Crassostrea gigas with implications of introducing C gigas into commercial aquaculture in the eastern Adriatic Sea
WGEUROBUS Working Group Towards a EURopean OBservatory of the non indigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinUS
The effect of temperature change and oxygen reduction on zooplankton composition and vertical distribution in a semi enclosed marine system
Zooplankton in Adriatic port environments Indigenous communities and non indigenous species
Nonindigenous species refined national baseline inventories A synthesis in the context of the European Unions Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Pelagic habitats in the Mediterranean Sea A review of Good Environmental Status GES determination for plankton components and identification of gaps and priority needs to improve coherence for the MSFD implementation
Composition and distribution patterns of marine planktonic ostracods Crustacea Ostracoda in the Adriatic Sea a historical perspective
Seasonal pattern of population dynamics spawning activities and diet composition of sardine Sardina pilchardus Walbaum in the eastern Adriatic Sea
Taxonomical diversity of Pseudonitzschia from the Central Adriatic Sea
Morphology and ecology of the poorly known dinoflagellate Prorocentrum arcuatum Dinophyceae from the Medulin Bay eastern Adriatic Sea
Geographic patterns of biodiversity in European coastal marine benthos
Feeding habits and helminth parasites of sardine S pilchardus and anchovy E encrasicolus in the Adriatic Sea
First record of small tropical calanoid copepod Parvocalanus crassirostris Copepoda Calanoida Paracalanidae in the Adriatic Sea
Regulating mechanisms of calanoid copepods variability in the northern Adriatic Sea Testing the roles of westeast salinity and phytoplankton gradients
Climate regime shifts and multidecadal variability of the Adriatic Sea pelagic ecosystem
Analysis of the phytoplankton community in the vicinity of domestic sewage outflow during stratified conditions
Community structure and seasonal dynamics of tintinnid ciliates in Kaštela Bay middle Adriatic Sea
Intercomparison of six Mediterranean zooplankton time series
Differential ingestion of zooplankton by four species of bivalves Mollusca in Mali Ston Bay Croatia
Size structure of zooplankton ingested by four commercially important bivalves
Environmental drivers of zooplankton variability in the coastal eastern Adriatic Mediterranean Sea
Comparisons of two research vessels properties in the acoustic surveys of small pelagic fish
Effects of cage fish farming on phytoplankton community structure biomass and primary production in an aquaculture area in the middle Adriatic Sea
Species composition and distribution patterns of the family Corycaeidae Dana Copepoda Cyclopoida in the middle Adriatic Sea
Population structure and abundance of zooplankton along the Krka river estuary in spring
First record of parasitic copepod Peniculus fistula von Nordmann Siphonostomatoida Pennellidae from garfish Belone belone Linnaeus in the Adriatic Sea
Seasonal variability in Dinophysis spp abundances and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning outbreaks along the eastern Adriatic coast
Redescription of Ditrichocorycaeus minimus indicus M Dahl Copepoda Cyclopoida Corycaeidae from the Adriatic Sea
Zooplankton community and hydrographical properties of the Neretva Channel eastern Adriatic Sea
Spatial and temporal variability in abundance and biomass of oligotrich ciliates in Kaštela Bay middle Adriatic Sea
Acoustic estimates of small pelagic fish stocks in the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea
Annual variability and trophic relations of the mesozooplankton community in the eutrophicated coastal area Vranjic Basin eastern Adriatic Sea
Seasonal and vertical distribution of the ciliated protozoa and micrometazoa in Kaštela Bay Central Adriatic
Feeding of adult sprat Sprattus sprattus during spawning season in the Adriatic Sea
Comparative sampling of the mesozooplankton with and micrometer mesh size nets in the Kaštela Bay
⦁ EUROMARINE istraživačka mreža (GA)
⦁ WG EUROBUS (“Towards an EURopean OBservatory of the invasive calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinUS”), ICES
⦁ WG GES (Working group on Good Environmental Status), EC
⦁ IGMETS grupa – International group for marine ecological time-series
⦁ Nacionalni ekspert za bioraznolikost i nezavičajne vrste (prema deskriptorima D1 i D2 Okvirne direktive o morskoj strategiji)
⦁ Hrvatsko biološko društvo
⦁ 2022.-2023. – Praćenje dinamike i utjecaja invazivne vrste rebraša Mnemiopsis leidyi na ribolovnim područjima sjevernog Jadrana (Ministarstvo poljoprivrede RH)
⦁ 2020.-2022. ABIOMMED – Support coherent and coordinated assessment of biodiversity
and measures across Mediterranean for the next 6-year cycle of MSFD implementation (DG Environment, EC)
⦁ 2020.- 2022.- ADRIACLIM – Climate change information, monitoring and management tools for adaptation strategies in Adriatic coastal areas (Interreg Italija-Hrvatska)
⦁ 2018.-2023. MAUD – Izranjanje i poniranje u području srednjeg Jadrana (Middle Adriatic Upwelling and Downwelling) (HRZZ)
⦁ 2019.-2021 MEDREGION – „Support Mediterranean Member States towards implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive new GES decision and Programmes of Measures and contribute to Regional/subregional Cooperation Needs“ (DG Environment, EC)
⦁ 2017.-2019 MEDCIS – “Support MEDiterranean member states towards coherent and Coordinated Implementation of the Second phase of the MSFD ” (DG Environment, EC)
⦁ 2014.-2018 MARIPLAN – Marine plankton as a tool for assessment of climate and anthropogenic influence on the marine ecosystem (HRZZ)
⦁ 2013.-2016.- BALMAS – Upravljanje balastnim vodama za zaštitu Jadranskog mora, (IPA Adriatic, CBC, 2013.-2016.
⦁ 2011. – danas: Nadzorni i operativni monitoring za potrebe provodjenja Okvirne direktive o vodama (Hrvatske vode)