dr. sc. Ivana Ujević

O djelatniku
Znanstvena savjetnica u trajnom zvanju iz područja prirodnih znanosti polje interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti.
⦁ razvoj dostatno osjetljivih kemijskih instrumentalnih metoda, dizajn i primjena HPLC-DAD-UV metode za domoičnu kiselinu i njene derivate, kao i HPLC-FLD metode za skupinu morskih biotoksina čiji je glavni predstavnik saksitoksin.
⦁ optimizacija i validacija metode za određivanje lipofilnih morskih biotoksina gimnodimina i spirolida (ciklički imini) primjenom metode tekućinske kromatografije s masenom spektrometrijom, LC-MS/MS.
⦁ Prvo istraživanje gimnodimina i spirolida instrumentalnim metodama u Hrvatskoj prezentirano je na 16th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 2014., Wellington, New Zealand.
⦁ dizajn LC-MS/MS metode za određivanje tetrodotoksina u ribama, prvenstveno u invazivnim vrstama u Jadranu.
⦁ optimizacija i validacija HPLC metode za određivanje pigmenata (lutein) u ribama.
⦁ razvoj HPLC-FLD metode za određivanje bisfenola A u sedimentima i morskim organizmima.
⦁ razvoj HPLC metoda za određivanje antihelmintika i esencijalnih ulja koji se primjenjuju kao terapeutici protiv infekcije ličinkama morskog oblića Anisakis sp. u ljudi.
⦁ akreditacija instrumentalnih kemijskih metoda za određivanje morskih biotoksina prema zahtjevima norme HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
Profesionalno iskustvo
Spatial and seasonal distribution of particulate phosphorus in coastal and offshore waters of the middle Adriatic Sea
Concentrations of Tetrodotoxin TTX and Its Analogue Anhydro TTX in Different Tissues of the SilverCheeked Pufferfish Lagocephalus sceleratus Gmelin Caught in the South Eastern Mediterranean Sea Lebanon
Occurrence of domoic acid and cyclic imines in marine biota from LebanonEastern Mediterranean Sea
First evidence of domoic acid production in Pseudo nit schia calliantha cultures from the central Adriatic Sea
The occurrence of lipophilic toxins in shellfish from the Middle Adriatic Sea
Distribution of Bisphenol A in Sediment and Suspended Matter and Its Possible Impact on Marine Life in Kastela Bay Adriatic Sea Croatia
Comparison of amnesic paralytic and lipophilic toxins profiles in cockle Acanthocardia tuberculata and smooth clam Callista chione from the central Adriatic Sea Croatia
Efficiency of Target Larvicides Is Conditioned by ABC Mediated Transport in the Zoonotic Nematode Anisakis pegreffii
Lipophilic marine biotoxins SERS sensing in solutions and in mussel tissue
Taxonomical diversity of Pseudonitzschia from the Central Adriatic Sea
Domoic acid in phytoplankton net samples and shellfish from the Krka River estuary in the Central Adriatic Sea
Multilevel ecotoxicity assessment of environmentally relevant bisphenol A concentrations using the soil invertebrate Eisenia fetida
Element differences and evaluation of the dietary intake from farmed oysters and mussels collected at different sites along the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea
Bioaccumulation of Trace Metals in Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from Mali Ston Bay during DSP Toxicity Episodes
Shellfish lipophilic toxin profile and toxic phytoplankton species along eastern Adriatic coast
Preliminary investigation of bisphenol A in sediments and suspended matter in Kaštela Bay Adriatic Sea Croatia
Distribution of persistent organic pollutants POPs in cultured mussels from the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea
As Cd Hg and Pb in four edible shellfish species from breeding and harvesting areas along the eastern Adriatic Coast Croatia
PSP Toxins Profile in Ascidian Microcosmus vulgaris Heller after Human Poisoning in Croatia Adriatic Sea
First report of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning PSP in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis from eastern Adriatic Sea Croatia
Blooms of the potentially toxic diatom Pseudonitzschia calliantha Lundholm Moestrup and Hasle in coastal waters of the northern Adriatic Sea Croatia
Ecology and taxonomy of potentially toxic Pseudonitzschia species in Lim Bay northeastern Adriatic Sea
Lipophilic Toxin Profile in Mytilus galloprovincialis during Episodes of Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning DSP in the NE Adriatic Sea in
Domoic acid a new toxin in the Croatian Adriatic shellfish toxin profile
Influence of suspended matter on cadmium accumulation in sediment from Kaštela Bay Adriatic Sea Croatia
Is Yessotoxin the Main Phycotoxin in Croatian Waters
Trace metals Cd Pb Cu Zn and Ni in sediment of the submarine pit Dragon ear Soline Bay Rogoznica Croatia
Seasonal variability in Dinophysis spp abundances and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning outbreaks along the eastern Adriatic coast
Temporal distribution of Dinophysis spp in relation to diarrhetic shellfish poisoning shellfish toxicity
Accumulation of Phycotoxins in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Central Adriatic Sea
Biomonitoring of trace metals Cu Cd Cr Hg Pb Zn in the eastern Adriatic using the Mediterranean blue mussel
Biomonitoring of mercury in polluted coastal area using transplanted mussels
Trace metals Cd Pb Cu Zn and Cr distribution in sediment along east coast of the Adriatic Sea Croatia
Distribution of selected trace metals in coastal surface sediments from the middle and south Adriatic
Cadmium and lead distribution in sediment of the Baćina Lakes Croatia
The Mediterranean blue mussel as an environmental indicator of metal pollution in the coastal area of Eastern Adriatic
Lead content in a sediment core off Rab island Croatia
Trace metal accumulation in different grain size fractions of the sediments from a semienclosed bay heavily contaminated by urban and industrial wastewaters
Relationship between Mn Cr Pb and Cd concentrations granulometric composition and organic matter content in the marine sediments from a contaminated coastal area
Trace metal distribution in a coastal sediment from Adriatic Sea
Trace metal accumulation in the sediment of the submarine cave and Zmajevo uho and Soline bay Croatia
⦁ Tehnička voditeljica laboratorija (Nacionalni referentni laboratorij za morske biotoksine) i glavni ispitivač za HPLC-DAD-UV metodu određivanja domoične kiseline i njenih derivata, HPLC-FLD metodu određivanja PSP skupine morskih biotoksina čiji je glavni predstavnik saksitoksin i LC-MS/MS metodu određivanja lipofilnih biotoksina.