
Interregional training within the Argos project


An important part of the Argos project links the Croatian and Italian sides, which share a common sea and resources and must agree on and coordinate measures to regulate fisheries in the Adriatic Sea.

After the 1st interregional training and exchange of experiences between Croatian and Italian stakeholders, which took place in Italy, the 2nd interregional training within the Argos project took place in Croatia and lasted three days, during which the participants were in Zadar, Šibenik, and Split.

During the training, the participants completed the institute and our scientists gave them a series of lectures in the field of fisheries and aquaculture. On this occasion, they were also introduced to the newly opened “Centre for advanced research in the field of fisheries and quality control of marine products”.

Read more about this event in the report by Dnevnik HRT. – >…/hrvatska-i-italija-projektom…


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