Coastal fish (and other marine organisms) communities: status, challenges and pressures (PRIMOS)


Coastal fish (and other marine organisms) communities: status, challenges and pressures


Ministry of Science and Education






National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026

Coastal fish (and other marine organisms) communities: status, challenges and pressures (PRIMOS)

Coastal areas are important essential habitats for many marine organisms because they facilitate the survival of juvenile individuals and support growth processes. These areas are subject to constant influence from a wide range of abiotic, biotic, and anthropogenic factors, which impact the biological diversity, abundance, structure, and functioning of communities and ecosystems.

The planned research will progress through several modules, integrating spatial and temporal changes in coastal communities to understand the effects of environmental factors, ecological components, and human activities on the dynamics and structure of populations of target species and coastal fish communities, as well as other marine organisms. By assessing the age and daily growth rates of juvenile fish, the effect of environmental changes on survival, recruitment, and replenishment of stocks will be determined. Analysing the composition and structure of fish communities inside and outside protected areas will enable the assessment of the impact of coastal fishing, the effects of protection, and the role of protected areas in the recovery and preservation of coastal communities. Since certain groups and species of fish are still inadequately researched, efforts will focus on understanding the biological determinants, movement patterns, and distribution of selected target, sensitive, and new fish species. Knowledge of marine litter quantities and accumulation hot spots in coastal areas will aid in assessing its potential impact on coastal communities.

The findings obtained through the project can serve as a basis for developing new recommendations and regulations aimed at sustainable management, reducing the incidental catch of sensitive species, protecting biodiversity, and preserving the structure of coastal communities.

Project team

The PRIMOS project has started

The implementation of the PRIMOS project ‘Coastal fish (and other marine organisms) communities: status, challenges and pressures’ has begun. The project is funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026 and will last for 4 years. On this page, you will be able to follow our activities and the progress of the project.