The Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries is proud to present the latest issue of the journal Acta Adriatica. This scientific publication has a long tradition, dating back to 1932, and covers various fields of marine science, primarily focused on the Mediterranean.
The journal is published in an open access format and is thus freely available online.
At the beginning of 2023, Dr. Melita Peharda was appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief, bringing significant innovations to the journal. Notable changes include changing the article format to online-first” publication approach shortly after acceptance of articles and an accelerated peer review process.
This issue contains a total of 11 contributions, with particular emphasis on the review article by Dr. Ivica Vilibić and colleagues that addresses the formation of high-density waters in the northern Adriatic. The article also acknowledges the remarkable contribution of the scientific work of Dr. Mira Zora-Armanda. In addition, we recommend the recently published book “Introduction to Physical Oceanography” by Academician Mirko Orlić.