Laboratory of Fisheries Science
About the lab
Laboratory of Fisheries Science deals with pelagic and demersal fish species, crustaceans, cephalopods, and bivalves. Majority of research is focused on commercially important species of the Adriatic Sea- sardine, anchovy, chub mackerel, mackerel, bonito, hake, common Pandora, St. Peter’s fish, monkfish, barbell, squid, musky octopus, shrimp, oyster, Mediterranean scallop, etc.
Laboratory conducts permanent monitoring of:
- biology and ecology of the target species (age, reproduction, growth, feeding, sclerochronology)
- spatial-temporal distribution of the most important species (scientific expeditions)
- status, dynamics, abundance, and assessment of populations based on composition, structure, and distribution
- population status of commercially most important species in the critical areas (nursery and spawning grounds), their identification, and locations
- bycatch and discard species in commercial and scientific fisheries as descriptors for the state of habitat
- impact of fisheries on biological diversity.
Additionally, different interdisciplinary research connecting biological parameters of the population with changes in the environment with the aim of a better and holistic understanding of the linkage between biology and ecology of the species and their habitat
Besides adding to the general knowledge of the biology, ecology, and population dynamics of target species, Laboratory work is based on determining and recommending the best way to achieve eco-based management in order to preserve and protect valuable resources.
Mytilus galloprovincialis shell growthInsights from shell geochemistry
Insights into Srdelara Purse Seines Landing Composition and Trophic Relationships in the Pelagic Food Web
Age structure and growth patterns of the endangered freshwater mussel Unio crassus Philipsson under different environmental conditions