
Establishing a joint monitoring system for non-indigenous species through the ALIENA project


On 1 March 2024, the ALIENA project was launched as part of the Interreg Italy Croatia program with the aim of establishing a joint monitoring system for non-indigenous species (NIS) to improve biodiversity protection. The project will specifically identify non-indigenous species that pose a threat to the marine ecosystem and could affect socio-economic activities in the marine environment.

In mid-May 2024, a first meeting and bilateral meetings of all partners took place in Bari (Italy) to define the objectives, methodology, work plan and activities of the project. The project, officially called “Aligning Efforts to control Non-indigenous species in the Adriatic Sea”, will last 30 months, during which possible solutions for the fight against NIS will be investigated.

Seven partners and three associated partners from Croatia and Italy, including the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, will work together to study non-indigenous species and the causes of their presence in the Adriatic Sea. The aim is to improve common protocols for the detection, monitoring and management of non-indigenous species and to secure and disseminate knowledge to the public. Monitoring and modeling will help develop NIS early warning solutions useful for marine area management. Completion of the project is planned for August 31, 2026.


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