
The role of blue economy in sustainable development of the Adriatic Sea: Focus on Italian-Croatian collaboration


On May 3, the Italian Embassy in Zagreb organized a round table on the role of the blue economy in the Adriatic in promoting sustainable development between Italy and Croatia. The event took place at the Croatian Chamber of Economy in Zagreb. Considering the numerous projects carried out by the Institute’s scientists in cooperation with Italian scientific institutions, the Director of the Institute Živana Ninčević Gladan and the President of the Scientific Council Sanja Matić Skoko presented the most significant results of the implemented projects. The projects are presented in two panels:

– Marine science and technology in the service of marine conservation
– Sustainable management of marine resources

The importance of these projects contributing to the joint management of Adriatic countries and their resources was highlighted, which is necessary as marine life knows no borders and only joint activities can bring results. Jabuka Pit is cited as one of the most successful examples of such management. Namely, the Institute’s scientists, together with their Italian colleagues, recognized the importance of this area for spawning and growth of fish fry and enabled its protection, which led to the recovery of many economically important populations of marine organisms.


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