The final events of the project CASCADE took place in the cities of Lecce and Rovinj, where the results of the project were presented to all Italian and Croatian partners as well as other interested parties.
The project CASCADE was funded by the Interreg V-A Italia-Croazia 2014/2020 cross-border cooperation program and aimed to protect and restore biodiversity in coastal and marine ecosystems in Italy and Croatia.
At both events, Mr. sc. Romana Roja Busatto, gave technical presentations and introduced the participants to the project objectives, research and chemical analyses carried out in the Laboratory of Plankton and Shellfish Toxicity and the Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Marine Sedimentology of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. On this occasion, the results of the studies of the pilot area at the mouth of the Neretva River were also presented.
More information about the project CASCADE can be found at: