
Workshop “The Future of Marine Biodiversity Monitoring in Europe”


Scientists from the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, dr. sc. Olja Vidjak, dr. sc. Sanda Skejić and dr. sc. Damir Ivanković participate in the workshop: The Future of Marine Biodiversity Monitoring in Europe.

The aim of the workshop was to gain a collective understanding of the current situation of marine biodiversity monitoring in Europe, focusing on the existing gaps and challenges in monitoring methodologies and current data pathways. More than 130 experts and stakeholders from Europe and beyond participated in the first online workshop. They engaged in dynamic technical discussions and provided valuable input to improve the preliminary assessment and suggest possible solutions to overcome some of the current challenges in marine biodiversity monitoring.

Selected experts and stakeholders are invited to participate in the second workshop from November 5-7, 2024 in Sitges, Spain.

The aim of the second workshop is to set a common direction for the future of marine biodiversity monitoring in Europe by discussing recommendations and solutions to improve monitoring strategies and optimise data pathways for marine biodiversity.

Who is involved?

The study is a collaboration between the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and a consortium of institutions led by ACTeon (France) and with the Institut de Ciències del Mar of Barcelona of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (ICM-CSIC, Spain), the Estonian Marine Institute of the University of Tartu (EMI-University of Tartu, Estonia) and the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean (DMS-University of the Aegean, Greece) as partners. The study, launched by the European Commission, is co-implemented by the Joint Research Centre and the consortium and managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).

The main topics were:

Acquiring marine biodiversity data (Marine Biodiversity Monitoring)
Transferring marine biodiversity data (Marine Biodiversity data management)
Delivering the right marine biodiversity knowledge to policy

Our experts contributed to the workshop with their experience and knowledge. Additionally, dr. sc. Olja Vidjak was one of the panellists on the topic “Exploring the frontiers: Innovation for strengthening Marine Biodiversity Monitoring: Roundtable on the potential of citizen science”.

The results of the workshop will be presented to key policy makers and stakeholders in the field as a guideline.

Further information can be found here:


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