On Friday, February 9, 2024, the Croatian Parliament held a ceremony to award the State Awards for Science, which recognize the greatest achievements in science for the year 2022.
At the 4th session on 13 November 2023, the Committee for the Awarding of State Awards for Science adopted the Decision on the Awarding of State Awards for Science for the year 2022, based on which 26 State Awards for Science were awarded, namely: 5 Lifetime Achievement Prizes, 14 Annual Awards for Science, 2 Annual Awards for the Popularization and Promotion of Science and 5 Annual Awards for Novice Scientists/Young Scientists.
The Vice-President of the Croatian Parliament, Academician Željko Reiner, and the Minister of Science and Education, Professor Radovan Fuchs, presented the prizes to the winners. They congratulated the winners for their achievements, the popularization of science and the expansion of scientific knowledge and emphasized that their commitment to science and their recognition in the world is also a recognition for Croatian science.
On this occasion, the Vice-President of the Croatian Parliament, academician Željko Reiner, pointed out that Croatian scientists are respected all over the world because they stand side by side with their colleagues in the highest scientific and educational institutions in the world.
The Minister of Science and Education, Professor Radovan Fuchs, emphasized that education, science and innovation are the key to economic development and global competitiveness. He also recalled that a new funding model for public universities and scientific institutes was adopted last year, which depends on the results achieved, while the conclusion of program contracts and additional investments from the National Plan for Reconstruction and Resilience have increased the budget of scientific institutions to conduct more influential research.
Two of our scientists, Ph.D., were among the awardees. Daria Ezgeta Balić is the winner of the annual award for the popularization of science. Ph.D.Sc. Petra Zemunik is the winner of the annual award for novice scientists.
You can read more about the contribution of our award-winning scientists in our previous article: