
The CRADLES project has started


Protecting and attempting to restore degraded marine habitats is invaluable for marine resources and biodiversity.
It is evident that marine habitats are increasingly threatened by growing natural and human pressures in the form of pollution, habitat destruction and climate change.
Only healthy or restored essential habitats have an important ecological function. They provide habitat for juvenile fish and other marine organisms and can also serve as “nature-based solutions (NbS)” that support biodiversity and carbon storage (blue carbon), while providing natural protection against strong storms and the destructive effects of waves and effectively improving water quality by removing excess nutrients.
Restoring and protecting important habitats across the Adriatic-Ionian region are the goals of our IPA ADRION project “Creating Resilient Areas to Develop Lifecycles and Ecosystem Services (CRADLES)”, in which the Institute is a leading partner. Last week, a first meeting of 10 partners from 7 countries in the region took place in Šibenik.

We will soon start the first activities of the project, about which we will inform you regularly.


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