Competition between native Ostrea edulis and invasive Crassostrea gigas oysters in the Adriatic Sea – effects on the ecosystem, fisheries and aquaculture


My First Collaboration Grant





Funding body:

Unity trough knowledge fund (UKF)

Competition between native Ostrea edulis and invasive Crassostrea gigas oysters in the Adriatic Sea – effects on the ecosystem, fisheries and aquaculture

In the Adriatic Sea non-native invasive oyster Crassostrea gigas started to spread and presents a threat to the native European flat oyster Ostrea edulis. Pacific oyster C. gigas was introduced by aquaculture to Mediterranean Sea in the 1960s as a response to the decrease of O. edulis production caused by high mortalities due to parasitic diseases. Introduction of C. gigas was limited to the aquaculture sites, but as environmental conditions in those areas were favourable this species started to reproduce and spread outside aquaculture sites. Although C. gigas is used for aquaculture all along the Europe, in the eastern Adriatic Sea it is not the case, and it is considered an invasive species.

Invasive species spread may have negative effect on the ecosystem, and poses threat to the ecosystem stability and function. Spreading of invasive oyster may also have negative effects on the fisheries and aquaculture if invasive species effects commercially important species. In a case of the two oyster species this could be expressed through competition for space, food and larviphagy caused by invasive oyster. Although, C. gigas presence in the eastern Adriatic is detected, there is no information about its biology and ecology in Adriatic Sea, its effect on the native oyster populations, and effects that could have on fisheries and aquaculture sector. Furthermore, there are no monitoring or management plans and strategies. This situation requires immediate reaction in terms of research and proposal of measures for management of invasive oyster species.

The main objective of this project is an assessment of impact of the invasive oyster species C. gigas on the ecosystem, fisheries and aquaculture, with focus on the native commercially important oyster species O. edulis.
