Vjekoslav Tičina
Professional experience
History of hydroacoustic surveys of small pelagic fish species in the European Mediterranean Sea
Variability in si e at maturity of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Mediterranean Sea
Effects of sampling intensity and biomass levels on the precision of acoustic surveys in the Mediterranean Sea
Distribution diet and relationships of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi with anchovies and ooplankton in the northeastern Adriatic Sea
Environmental drivers influencing the abundance of round sardinella Sardinella aurita and European sprat Sprattus sprattus in different areas of the Mediterranean Sea
Temperature strongly correlates with regional patterns of body si e variation in Mediterranean small pelagic fish species
Mercury and selenium in fish from the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea A risk benefit assessment in vulnerable population groups
Spatiotemporal patterns and environmental controls of small pelagic fish body condition from contrasted Mediterranean areas
Habitat suitability of the Atlantic bluefin tuna by size class An ecological niche approach
Biocomplexity in Populations of European Anchovy in the Adriatic Sea
A joint stock assessment for the anchovy stock of the northern and central Adriatic Sea comparison of two catchatage models
Characterizing the potential habitat of European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Mediterranean Sea at different life stages
Habitat suitability modelling for sardine Sardina pilchardus in a highly diverse ecosystem the Mediterranean Sea
Acoustic estimates of small pelagic fish stocks in the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea
Stock assesments of small pelagic fish (fishery independent evaluations by acoustic surveys)
Research studies on fisheries & fish biology, ecology and population dynamics (i.e. anchovy, sardine,
sprat, bluefin tuna, scaldfish, etc.)
Scientific data collection in support of EU-CFP – responsible scientist and leader of acoustic research
surveys in Croatia (DCF-MEDIAS)
Aquaculture research (with emphasis on bluefin tuna farming)
Reviews of research projects and scientific papers
Invited expert in STECF – SG-MED (EWG) groups on stock assessments, MSE, sustainable
fisheries&aquaculture (2008 – present)
National representative/delegate in international fisheries management organization meetings:
member/national representative (2001-2008; 2010) in Standing Committee for Research and Statistics
(SCRS) of International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
National representative (2008-2011; 2017) in Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and expert in stock
assessment Working groups (WGSASP) of General Fisheries Commission in Mediterranean (GFCM)
Member of national advisory council for fisheries (2011)
Member of European Bioeconomy Panel (2013-2015)
Chair of EU-MEDIAS (Pan-european Mediteranean Acoustic Surveys) Steering Committee (2019-
Editorial board member of scientific journals Acta Adriatica and Journal of Marine Science and
Engineering (JMSE)