Scientific advisor with tenure in the field of natural sciences, the field of interdisciplinary natural sciences.
⦁ Development of sufficiently sensitive chemical instrumental methods, design and application of the method HPLC-DAD-UV for domoic acid and its derivatives and of the method HPLC-FLD for the group of marine biotoxins whose main representative is saxitoxin.
⦁ Optimization and validation of the method for the determination of the lipophilic marine biotoxins gymnodimine and spirolide (cyclic imines) using the method of liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry, LC-MS /MS.
⦁ The first study of gymnodimine and spirolide using instrumental methods in Croatia was presented at the 16th International Conference on Harmful Algae 2014 in Wellington, New Zealand.
⦁ Design of a LC-MS /MS method for determination of tetrodotoxin in fish, especially in invasive species in the Adriatic Sea.
⦁ Optimization and validation of HPLC method for the determination of pigments (lutein) in fish.
⦁ Development of the method HPLC-FLD for the determination of bisphenol A in sediments and marine organisms.
⦁ Development of HPLC methods for the determination of anthelmintics and essential oils used as therapeutics against infections with larvae of the sea urchin Anisakis sp. in humans.
⦁ Accreditation of instrumental chemical methods for the determination of marine biotoxins according to the requirements of the HRN EN ISO /IEC 17025 standard
Professional experience
Spatial and seasonal distribution of particulate phosphorus in coastal and offshore waters of the middle Adriatic Sea
Concentrations of Tetrodotoxin TTX and Its Analogue Anhydro TTX in Different Tissues of the SilverCheeked Pufferfish Lagocephalus sceleratus Gmelin Caught in the South Eastern Mediterranean Sea Lebanon
Occurrence of domoic acid and cyclic imines in marine biota from LebanonEastern Mediterranean Sea
Multilevel ecotoxicity assessment of environmentally relevant bisphenol A concentrations using the soil invertebrate Eisenia fetida
Element differences and evaluation of the dietary intake from farmed oysters and mussels collected at different sites along the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea
⦁ Technical head of the laboratory (National Reference Laboratory for Marine Biotoxins) and chief examiner for the HPLC-DAD-UV method for determining domoic acid and its derivatives, the HPLC-FLD method for determining the PSP group of marine biotoxins whose main representative is saxitoxin, and the LC-MS /MS method determination of lipophilic biotoxins.