Research assistent
⦁ Physical oceanography
⦁ Sea level
⦁ Meteorological tsunamis
Professional experience
New records of introduced species in the Mediterranean February
Unravelling the intricate language of fish guts Impact of plantbased vs plantinsectpoultrybased diets on intestinal pathways in European seabass
Challenges in modelling and forecasting radiation fog with atypical dissipation during the night a case study at Zagreb Airport
New records of introduced species in the Mediterranean August
Influence of changing water mass circulation on detrital component and carbon burial of late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments in the easterncentral MidAdriatic deep
The effect of sampling frequency and spatial and temporal variation in the density of fecal indicator bacteria on the assessment of coastal bathing water quality
Sources of uncertainty in satellitederived chlorophylla concentrationAn Adriatic Sea case study
Marine plankton community and net primary production responding to islandtrapped waves in a stratified oligotrophic ecosystem
Spatial and seasonal distribution of particulate phosphorus in coastal and offshore waters of the middle Adriatic Sea
Natural and shipping underwater sound distribution in the Northern Adriatic Sea basin and possible application on target areas
Ecology of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs on a finescale taxonomic resolution in Adriatic Sea unravelled by unsupervised neural network
Are winter conditions impacting annual organic production in the northern Adriatic Verifications and future projections
Microbial communities as indicators of marine ecosystem health Insights from coastal sediments in the eastern Adriatic Sea
Assessment of the eutrophication status at Mediterranean subbasin scale within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Phylogenetic analysis of invasive genus Lophocladia Rhodomelaceae Rhodophyta reveals synonymy of L lallemandii with L trichoclados and first record of L kuetzingii in the NE Atlantic
Global warming scenarios for the Eastern Adriatic Sea indicate a higher risk of invasiveness of nonnative marine organisms relative to current climate conditions
Identifying priority areas for spatial management of mixed fisheries using ensemble of multispecies distribution models
Influence of environmental variables on the abundance of Synapta maculata Holothuroidea Synaptidae in a multispecies seagrass meadow in the southern Red Sea of Saudi Arabia
Validated Inventories of NonIndigenous Species NIS for the Mediterranean Sea as Tools for Regional Policy and Patterns of NIS Spread
New records of rarely reported species in the Mediterranean Sea July
The Distribution of Pseudodiaptomus marinus in European and Neighbouring WatersA Rolling Review
Is the SmallScale Fishery more sustainable in terms of GHG emissions A case study analysis from the Central Mediterranean Sea
A new insight into the taxonomy of Pseudonitzschia genus from the Adriatic Sea Description of P brasiliana P galaxiae P hasleana and P linea
Unusual findings of softmouth trout Salmo obtusirostris Actinopteri Salmonidae in the marine environment along the middle Eastern Adriatic coast as a consequence of extreme weather events
Analysis of the Influence of Seasonal Water Column Dynamics on the Relationship between Marine Viruses and Microbial Food Web Components Using an Artificial Neural Network
Changes in Abundance and Distribution of the Sea Pen Funiculina quadrangularis in the Central Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Basin in Response to Variations in Trawling Intensity
Microbiome profiling and characterization of virulent and vancomycinresistant Enterococcus faecium from treated and untreated wastewater beach water and clinical sources
Status and trends in the rate of introduction of marine nonindigenous species in European seas
Enhanced mercury reduction in the South Atlantic Ocean during carbon remineralization
Impacts of Sea Bottom Temperature on CPUE of European Lobster Homarus gammarus Linnaeus Decapoda Nephropidae in the Eastern Adriatic Sea
The Ecological Observing System of the Adriatic Sea ECOAdS structure and perspectives within the main European biodiversity and environmental strategies
Distribution and Differentiation Patterns of Sympatric Squids Alloteuthis media and Alloteuthis subulata Cephalopoda Loliginidae Using Morphological and Molecular Approaches
Variabilities of biochemical properties of the sea surface microlayer Insights to the atmospheric deposition impacts
MBZ: 375644
⦁ 2018 – 2021: Scientific project “The Adriatic decadal and interannual oscillations: observations, modelling and consequences (ADIOS)” founded by Croatian science foundation lead by Dr Ivica Vilibić
⦁ 2019 – 2021: INTERREG Italy-Croatia project “Climate Challenges on Coastal and Transitional Changing Areas: Weaving a Cross – Project Adriatic Response (CHANGE WE CARE)” lead by Institute of Marine Sciences CNR-ISMAR
⦁ 2019 – 2021: INTERREG Italy-Croatia project “Ecological Observing System in the Adriatic Sea: Oceanographic Observations for Biodiversity (ECOSS)” lead by Institute of Marine Sciences CNR-ISMAR
⦁ 2022 – present: Member of Croatian Statistical Association
⦁ 2016 – 2018: Member of Student association BEST (Board of European Students of Technology)
⦁ October 2022, Rijeka, Croatia: Numerical modelling workshop, Faculty of Physics, University of Rijeka (one-week workshop)
⦁ October – November 2021, Liverpool, UK: National Oceanography Centre, British Scholarship Trust grant (2 months research visit)
⦁ November 2019, Venice, Italy: THEMES workshop (3 days workshop)
⦁ October 2019, Ostend, Belgium: UNESCO/ IOC, Ocean Teacher Global Academy Training Course: Research Data Management (one-week school)
⦁ December 2018, Ostend, Belgium: UNESCO/ IOC, Ocean Teacher Global Academy Training Course: Ocean Data Management for Researchers (one-week school)
⦁ October 2016 – March 2017, Dresden, Germany: Erasmus+ project, Technische Universität Dresden (6 months)