
Lectures given on the importance and possibilities of communicating science


Today, our staff had the opportunity to participate in a series of lectures that addressed the importance of and ways to communicate science, with a particular focus on marine science.

The presentations were very informative and inspiring, providing insight into the latest trends and approaches to communicating science. The event was held as part of the international meeting of the European Marine Board Communication Panel group, hosted by the Institute and led by our collaborator Dr. Darija Ezgeta Balić.

The speakers were top experts in the field of scientific communication and their presentations covered various topics:

– The benefits of engaging with communicators: the experience from the European Marine Board – Ángel Muñiz Piniella, European Marine Board

– Oceanicas project: women in marine sciences – Maria del Carmen García, Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Oceanographic Center of Malaga

– Citizen science and public engagement in the marine realm – Jan Seys, Flanders Marine Institute

– Challenges of communication from research vessels – Kelle Moreau, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science

– Abundance of ocean data vs. effective communication. Go figure! – Tymon Zielinski, Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Science


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